BeiJing Time
Please enter the necessary parameters to see the estimated shipping fee!
Except for GreetBuy proprietary shipping lines, other shipping services are provided by related cooperated logistics providers. Logistics providers have the right to adjust the shipping prices according to the market situation, of course, GreetBuy informs you before having the price adjusted. We are more than happy to negotiate with the logistics providers upon your request. Logistics Service Statement
{{ logistics.logisticsName }}
Estimated Cost
Shipping Fee: $ {{ convertAmount(logistics.shippingFee) }}
Carrier Processing Fee: $ {{ convertAmount(logistics.carrierProcessingFee) }}
Fuel Charge: $ {{ convertAmount(logistics.fuelFee) }}
Operation Fee: $ {{ convertAmount(logistics.operationFee) }}
Service Fee: $ {{ convertAmount(logistics.serviceFee) }}
Shipping Discount: - $ {{ convertAmount(logistics.discountFee) }}
$ {{ convertAmount(logistics.shippingFeeTotal) }}
$ {{ convertAmount(logistics.shippingFeeTotalOrigin) }}
-{{ }}%

Discount End:

{{ logistics.formula.discountEndTime }} (UTC+8)

Volume Weight:{{ logistics.volumeWeight }} g

  • This shipping method charges by comparing the actual weight and the volumetric weight and charges whichever is the greater.
  • The product of package size is the volume of the package
  • Package volume weight formula:Length*Width*Height*1000/{{ logistics.bubbleCountBase }}
Transit Time
{{ logistics.shippingTime }} Days
{{ logistics.parcel_delivered_percent_desc }}
{{ logistics.lineDescription }}

Parcel Delivery Rate

0-7 Days
{{ logistics.parcel_delivered_percent_desc }}
8-15 Days
16-25 Days
26-40 Days
>40 Days
Yet To Deliver
{{ logistics.parcel_undone_percent_desc }}
Data from

Parcel Restriction

Weight Restriction: {{ logistics.minWeight || 0 }} - {{ logistics.maxWeight }} g
Size Restriction:
Longest side cannot exceed {{ logistics.sizeLimitLongestSide }}cm| Second side cannot exceed {{ logistics.sizeLimitSecondSide }}cm| Shortest side cannot exceed {{ logistics.sizeLimitShortestSide }}cm| Width+length+height cannot exceed {{ logistics.sizeLimitThreeSideSum }}cm| (Width+Height) * 2 + longest side cannot exceed {{ logistics.sizeLimitWithHeightAddLongest }}cm|
Billing Rules of Volumetric Weight:{{ logistics.volumeChargingRule }}
Cannot Send Can Send
{{ }}:
{{ }}

Charge Standard

First Weight Price Continued Weight Price Carrier Processing Fee Fuel Charge Operation Fee Service Fee
$ {{ convertAmount(logistics.formula.initPriceOrigin) }} / {{ logistics.formula.initWeight }} g
$ {{ convertAmount(logistics.formula.initPrice) }} / {{ logistics.formula.initWeight }} g
$ {{ convertAmount(logistics.formula.unitPriceOrigin) }} / {{ logistics.formula.unitWeight }} g
$ {{ convertAmount(logistics.formula.unitPrice) }} / {{ logistics.formula.unitWeight }} g
$ {{ convertAmount(logistics.carrierProcessingFee) || 0.00 }} $ {{ convertAmount(logistics.fuelFee) || 0.00 }} $ {{ convertAmount(logistics.operationFee) || 0.00 }} $ {{ convertAmount(logistics.serviceFee) || 0.00 }}

Tax Payment

Tax Free
Choose this tax payment option means the recipient needs to pay the tax if necessary, please pay attention to the email, SMS, and phone, thanks!


For optional tax payment methods please select while submitting your parcel.


For optional tax payment methods please select while submitting your parcel.

Personal GST/VAT


Characteristics:{{ logistics.lineDescription }}
Prohibited:{{ logistics.prohibitDescription }}